Friday, June 24, 2011

The first week: UB

The first week of our month in Mongolia is over, and I am quick to conclude that it has been a great success. UB is definitely not a beautiful city - in truth, it is still rapidly becoming modernized. Crumbled concrete and huge, blocky, dull buildings are common. Trash cans are rare, and recycling is unheard of. For the 'refined' westerner, a first glance over the city is not appealing.

But in the past few days, I have discovered great allure in the city's rich culture, friendly people, and its promise of the intriguing unexpected around every corner. It is shocking how seamlessly the most ancient traditions and hip trends blend together. At a site where ancient Buddhist relics were housed in traditional temple architecture, a flashy fashion show was in preparation. Then, at the other temple site we visited, I watched in surprise as two robed monks got out of their modern cars go chant ancient phrases.

In summary, UB has a dirty, crumbled-concrete-and-muddy-sidewalk exterior, but within, it is a fine city with great charm

Sam Greydanus

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