Hi all!
I still can't believe I am in Mongolia!
It is amazing how much trash is out in the ditches and in the small streams. People here just leave trash everywhere. I wonder why there are no trash cleanup days or community service projects.
So this morning Mariah and I walked down to breakfast and then grouped up with a couple other youth and walked around UB. There are banks everywhere. I counted 6 banks when we went on our walk. But they were all closed on Saturdays! We found a small Ger that was on the side of the street that was transformed into a little gift shop! It was so cute and the door was nearly half the size of my height! it was so small! Well I am going to stop writing for now. We are going to have lunch and then go off with the whole group to explore! If you can see this picture I am trying to upload it is a picture of Mariah, Jaden, Killian, and myself eating in the Beijing airport.
Hi Mom and Dad! Annaka: Take care of Hunny! Tommy: I found an awesome gift for you! but you will have to wait a month to see it! Tristan: email me when Cammie and Cream have their babies! Love you all!
-Kira O'Donoghue
Hi Mariah, Kira,
Thanks for the Blog to Alaska :)
Glad to hear you made it, sounds like quite the cultural experience so far!
Can you find out if there is a Western Union near your Palace Hotel?
I could wire some money that way. It looks like most of the KHAN banks
Handle Western Union, but I don't know if one is even close to you?
Let me know.
Love ya,
Thanks for posting the photo! I was so excited to see Killian's face. :)
Looks like you are all happy and healthy, but it's nice for us parents to see the photo evidence and hear from you. We sure appreciate you taking the time to blog for us!
(Killian and Jeannine's mom)
Hi Mariah,
We are so excited that there is a way to keep updated on your journey. Thanks Kira for posting a pic already!
Have fun!
Aunt Cherie
I had a good time reading the blog today after your Mom and Annaka were here making KrumKaka for Denali's wedding. Looks like all is going well and it rained a bit last night and the mosquitos are BAD. Have fun and see you in the next pictures. Love you, Grandma S.
Grandma S.,
I see by the krumkaka that there is another Swede on the blog! My great-grandmother's parents were from Oland. My mom still makes krumkaka every year, with her grandma's iron.
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